The U.S. Constitution protects your right to be free from government intrusion into your personal space and your life. You-not government-should determine the course of your life. The ACLU of Minnesota protects your right to privacy by fighting for it in court and by pushing for policies that ensure your privacy rights remains intact. We actively promote responsible uses of technology that enhance privacy and freedom, while opposing those uses of technology which undermine our freedoms and move us closer to a society dominated by surveillance.
Privacy & Technology
Jane Doe v. Rice County
December 20, 2017Emerson v. Leslie
April 28, 2017Webster v. Hennepin County
October 13, 2016
State v. Liebl
June 29, 2016ACLU-MN & NAACP Minneapolis v. BCA
February 9, 2016Golden Valley v. Wiebesick
January 26, 2016
HF 3009/SF 3074 Regulate Drone Surveillance
February 20, 2020HF 3010/SF 3071 Protect Email Privacy
February 20, 2020HF 1196 Social Media Privacy
February 15, 2019
HF 1236 Drone Surveillance Regulated
February 15, 2019HF 136 Net Neutrality
February 12, 2019HF 631 Transparency in Electronic Device Location Tracking
February 12, 2019
The Latest
Minnesota Legislators to Introduce Privacy Bills as Part of...
January 20, 2016ACLU-MN has concerns with Minnesota’s new Ebola policy
October 1, 2014ACLU Objects to Minnesota Law Criminalizing Refusal of Alcohol...
June 11, 2014Bill Championed by ACLU-MN to Protect Student Privacy Becomes Law
May 23, 2022
Protecting the privacy of kids’ educational data just became law
May 23, 2022
ACLU-MN Calls for Measures to Protect Privacy
April 14, 2020
Criminal justice reform, voting rights expansion and privacy...
March 20, 2019