The U.S. Constitution guarantees basic rights and freedoms to all people in the United States, including people who are not U.S. citizens. Advocating fair treatment for non-citizens has been an important part of the national ACLU's work since its founding in 1920, when it opposed the summary arrest and deportation of Eastern European immigrants during the Palmer Raids. Since then, the ACLU and its affiliates have been some of the nation's leading advocates for the rights of immigrants, refugees and non-citizens.
In Minnesota, we have the well-documented contradiction of being open to immigrants and also having difficulty in treating them fairly once they are here. Threats to immigrants’ rights encompass not only criminal justice and policing, but also discrimination in housing, education, employment, healthcare, community and economic development, and other areas. We will continue to focus on addressing abuses in criminal justice and policing of immigrant communities. We will continue to challenge unconstitutional laws and practices, and to work every day to counter the myths upon which many of these laws are based. We have been active and successful in our efforts to eliminate ICE holds and to represent clients improperly held by immigration authorities.
What if I'm stopped by the police or ICE?
Regardless of your immigration status, you have guaranteed rights under the Constitution. Learn more about your rights and how to express them.
Know Your Rights
The ACLU-MN created a presentation for superintendents, school boards, principles and teachers titled, "Know Your Rights and Responsilities: K-12 Schools and the Immigrant and LGBTQ+ Students they Serve."
If ICE comes to your workplace, it's important to know your rights. The posters below are suitable for printing, posting on bulletin boards and otherwise sharing.
These cards will help you Know Your Rights if ICE comes to your workplace. They can be printed out, folded up and kept in your wallet or purse. In the event of a raid, you can tear off the legal rights sheet below on the dotted line and hand it to an officer.
- When ICE Shows up at work KYR poster
- When ICE shows up at work KYR card
- Printable KYR cards in English
- Printable KYR Cards in Spanish
- Printable KYR Cards in Somali
- Printable KYR Cards in Hmong
Cuando ICE se Presenta en el Trabajo
Immigrants' Rights, ACLU National